Hardly imaginable dimensions?: Washington and Berlin warn of “further war” in the Middle East

Hardly imaginable dimensions?
Washington and Berlin warn of “further war” in the Middle East

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Canada is recalling its compatriots from Lebanon. And the USA and Germany are extremely concerned about growing tensions there. “Another war would mean a regional escalation on a scale that none of us can imagine,” said Foreign Minister Baerbock.

In view of growing tensions between Israel and the pro-Iranian Hezbollah militia in Lebanon, Washington and Berlin are urgently warning against an escalation of the Middle East conflict. “Another war would mean a regional escalation on a scale that none of us can imagine,” said Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock on Deutschlandfunk.

However, Israel and Lebanon are in danger of sliding into such a war, said the Green Party politician. “And that is exactly what we need to prevent: that the daily escalation, with more rockets flying, means that large parts of both sides do not want this war, but we slide into it.” During her talks in Beirut on Tuesday, she got the impression that the Lebanese government sees it that way too. Unfortunately, however, the government has “no real decisive control on the ground, including over Hezbollah.” This makes the talks on the ground in cooperation with the USA and France all the more important.

The US is also alarmed by the tensions between Israel and Hezbollah. “Hezbollah’s provocations threaten to drag the Israeli and Lebanese people into a war they do not want, and such a war would be a disaster for Lebanon,” said US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin at a meeting with Israel’s Defense Minister Joav Galant in Washington.

Austin said he was “extremely concerned” about the increase in Hezbollah rocket attacks on northern Israel and the recent increase in tensions. “Another war between Israel and Hezbollah could easily escalate into a regional war with dire consequences for the Middle East,” warned the US Secretary of Defense. Diplomacy was “by far the best way to prevent further escalation.”

Galant warned urgently against Iran’s nuclear armament. “The greatest threat to the future of the world is Iran,” he said. Time is running out to prevent the country from acquiring nuclear weapons. “We stand together to ensure that Iran, which is the source of so much violence and instability in the region, can never acquire a nuclear weapon,” Austin assured. Hezbollah in Lebanon is Iran’s most important ally, for which Israel is its arch enemy.

Canada calls on its compatriots to leave Lebanon

Canada called on its citizens to leave Lebanon amid fears of war. “The security situation in Lebanon is becoming increasingly unstable and unpredictable due to the ongoing and escalating violence between Hezbollah and Israel and could deteriorate further without warning,” Foreign Minister Mélanie Joly said in a statement. It was “time to leave while commercial flights are still available.”

Since the beginning of the Gaza war following the massacre by Hamas, an ally of Hezbollah, in Israel on October 7, pro-Iranian groups as well as Iran itself have attacked Israel with rockets, grenades and drones. Israel wants the militia to withdraw behind the Litani River, 30 kilometers from the border, in accordance with a UN resolution. If necessary, Israel is also prepared to use a larger military operation, Galant recently warned.

One must discuss the readiness “for every possible scenario,” he said in Washington. According to the US broadcaster CNN, high-ranking US representatives assured members of an Israeli delegation that the USA would give Israel full support should a major war with Hezbollah break out.

Meanwhile, Austin called on Galant to step up efforts to protect Palestinian civilians and humanitarian workers in the embattled Gaza Strip. Israel is in a tough fight against “a cruel and ruthless enemy,” but you can only win an urban war if you protect civilians. “Therefore, Israel must continue to do more to protect Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip, and this is both a moral imperative and a strategic imperative,” warned the US Secretary of Defense.

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