HarmonyOS is used in less than 2% of smartphones, but its existence remains crucial

Android and iOS have dominated the smartphone market for years now, but they are not alone. HarmonyOS, from Huawei, is also there to remind you that an alternative exists.

Credit: fongfong / 123RF

A new report from Strategy Analytics has revealed the distribution of mobile operating systems around the world. Unsurprisingly, it is Android which occupies the first place, by far, with 81% of market share. He is followed by Apple and its 18% market share, which did not really manage to take off despite the arrival of the recent iPhone 14. As a reminder, Apple had even seen its sales fall in the last quarter of last year.

Despite their obvious dominance, another player also occupies a small place: Huawei. According to data from Strategy Analytics, HarmonyOS, its in-house operating system, would only occupy a little less than 2% of the market.

HarmonyOS helps avoid a dangerous duopoly situation

Since its launch, Huawei has regularly insisted that HarmonyOS is nothing like Android or iOS, in particular thanks to its versatility which allows it to be used in many different devices.

Despite its fairly insignificant market share compared to those of the two tech giants, Huawei’s presence is crucial, as it avoids a duopoly situation. Before the arrival of HarmonyOS, Apple and Google claimed to have 100% of the smartphone market, which led to a form of competition that was quite harmful, with an Android camp and an iOS camp.

The existence of HarmonyOS therefore serves to remind the other two giants that their users can always turn to another alternative. Unfortunately for Huawei, the manufacturer must still regularly fight against the American authorities, who intend to definitively ban the sale of its devices.

Despite the absence of Google services on its smartphones, the Chinese manufacturer continues to focus on the European market, as company executives had suggested. Huawei will even build a factory near Strasbourg, and reportedly already has a full 2023 release schedule with plenty of products. A few weeks ago, for example, we were able to test the excellent Huawei Mate 50 Pro on video, released in China last year.

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