Harry attacks William, his new low blow over his hair loss

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It’s a gratuitous but very real spade that Prince Harry sent to his older brother William about his looks…

Prince Harry is freewheeling… And for good reason, to write his event book, Substitutewhich will be released on January 10, the youngest son of King Charles III simply let loose and made explosive revelationsas revealed by the newspaper Page Six who was able to discover excerpts in preview. But not only, because in addition to revealed secrets, the Duke of Sussex does not hesitate to launch spades at all costs and particularly to his brother and future king, Prince William. Indeed, the husband of Meghan Markle wrote in particular that he had a moment of perplexity after the funeral of his grandfather, Prince Philip, in 2021, when he realized that the resemblance of his eldest with their mother, Princess Diana, had faded over time. “I looked at Willy, I really looked at him, maybe for the first time since we were little“, explains Prince Harry, before arriving at physically criticizing his brother by qualifying it hair loss fromalarming well “more advanced” than his, when William is only two years older than him. One criticism among many in this work which clearly demonstrates the extent of the damage in the relationship between the two sons of King Charles III and the late Lady Diana… Prince Harry even going so far as to call his brother his”sworn enemy.

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The feud between Meghan and Kate

In addition to the tackles towards his older brother, Prince Harry did not spare William’s wife, Kate Middleton. Indeed, Harry returned to the bridesmaids dress episode for his marriage to Meghan Markle, May 19, 2018. An event that led to the collapse of the Duchess of Sussex, which the prince Harry found”on the ground” in tears, after his altercation with the Princess of Wales. The latter could not bear to see her daughter, Princess Charlotte, cry because of her dress which did not fit her and had scolded Meghan following that… Quite a story!

Passionate about fashion, beauty and people, she will be able to reveal the latest information on women’s news. Without forgetting the secrets of the royal elite and in particular of the British monarchy, which …

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