Harry confides in his crazy youth and gives his little secrets: “It was smooching”

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To escape the media, Princes William and Harry regularly took refuge in a cellar of Highgrove House, the country residence of Charles III.

What happened at “Club H” should have stayed at “Club H”… But Harry decided otherwise and confided in that secret place of Highgrove House where he and his brother, Prince William, enjoyed their youth almost like other English teenagers. It would indeed be in this little basement room from the country residence of their father, now King Charles III, that the two boys organized their party evenings away from prying eyes.

In his book, SparePrince Harry describes this place – where they ended their evenings “often tipsy, sometimes dead drunk” – with a lot of nostalgia. It was kissing in the cornerss, quite innocently, and it was also drinking – less innocently. Rum and coke or vodkasays the husband of Meghan Markle.

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The reputation of this place tarnished by a “purulent boil”

This place, sheltered from prying eyes, was however not reserved for the party and Harry claims to have also been there good time with prince william or alone, far from the tumults of the Palace. It must be said that the place did not seem very easy to access. “You had to go through a heavy white door on the ground floor, down a steep flight of stone steps, grope one’s way on a damp stone floor, go down another three steps, cross a long corridor under a very low vault, pass in front of several cellars, then walk along a large freezer and several storage rooms”says the prince.

The presence of this voting booth has however made public by a journalist – which Harry did not fail to qualify as “purulent boil” -, which spread the rumor that the young man took drugs in secret. A rumor that has tarnished the ties that united the young princes and the “H club”. The “Substitute” nevertheless assures that there was never any drug in their hiding place.

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