Harry Potter QUIZ: Are you unbeatable at Hogwarts? 8 questions to test you on magic school!

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is a character in the Harry Potter saga in its own right, but do you know it as well as the films themselves? Can you answer these 8 questions about the famous school?

The Harry Potter literary and cinematographic saga wouldn’t be the same if it weren’t for Hogwarts, the school of wizardry run by Albus Dumbledore. Readers and viewers have witnessed all the major stages in the schooling of young wizards, from entering first year with the Sorting Hat deciding which house they are sent to, to the final exam called Accumulation of Particularly Intensive and Constraining Sorcery, also known as aspic

Harry, Ron and Hermione have shown us around most of the school’s iconic locations, as well as several of its discreetly hidden spots, but are you really clueless about Hogwarts history, entry requirements or motto? It’s up to you to check with our quiz but be careful, because once launched, no wand will help you!

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