Haslauer on course for Vienna – “Would mean kneeling before Putin”

Six months ago, Russia invaded Ukraine. Salzburg’s governor Wilfried Haslauer is sticking to the EU sanctions. But there are also dissenting voices.

FPÖ leader Herbert Kickl campaigned for “understanding of Russia” in the ORF summer talks on Monday evening. On February 24, exactly six months ago, the nuclear superpower launched a war of aggression against Ukraine. Since then, the EU has punished the aggressor with several packages of sanctions. In addition to Kickl, the ÖVP leaders in Tyrol (Mattle) and Upper Austria (Stelzer) recently called for the meaningfulness of the measures to be questioned. At least in Salzburg’s government, Austria’s orientation is supported: “If easing the sanctions would mean bowing to Putin. Then the law of the strongest would apply,” explained ÖVP Governor Haslauer to the “Krone”. “Don’t let the warmonger blackmail” Even with NEOS, kneeling before Putin is out of the question: “We must not let ourselves be blackmailed by a warmonger,” says Andrea Klambauer. Addendum: “The sanctions are needed to finally get out of Austria’s dependence on Russia.” Heinrich Schellhorn (Greens) says: “We are clearly behind the sanctions!” SPÖ man and Chamber of Labor boss Peter Eder is convinced that “that Lifting sanctions would seriously damage Europe.” Eder recommends Kickl, Mattle and Co. to “leave populism out” and sees the mega profits of the oil companies as a main reason for the inflation. FPÖ is united against the sanctions, but not everyone is in Salzburg is a friend of sanctions. Chamber of Commerce President Peter Buchmüller recently declared that a gas stop would result in serious economic damage and tens of thousands of unemployed. “Corona wouldn’t mind!” Marlene Svazek from the FPÖ is also critical of the sanctions and calls for a referendum. “We want a quick exit from the sanctions,” said Svazek. The KPÖ Plus would take a different course. According to Kay-Michael Dankl, the sanctions should increasingly be aimed at Putin’s rich supporters.
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