Hauts-de-France: worrying disappearance of a mother


For eight days, the entourage of Angélique Herlem has had no news of this mother from Cateau-Cambrésis (Hauts-de-France). A new hunt was organized yesterday, Saturday January 22, to find his trace.

For more than a week, this mother of three children (two girls aged 18 and 16 and a one-year-old boy) has not given any sign of life. This Saturday and for the third time since his disappearance, hundreds of people divided into groups of 5 to 15 people criss-crossed the surroundings of Cateau-Cambrésis. The searches were fruitless.

Voluntary disappearance ruled out

Aged 36, Angélique Herlem would have left her home around 1 a.m. on the night of January 13 to 14. She took neither phone, nor papers, nor means of payment, ruling out the trail of voluntary disappearance. Her relatives assume that she was then wearing a purple coat and black stockings, with “boots and must surely have her hair tied up”, added one of her daughters on social networks.

For the moment, no other search is planned by the family. A police investigation is also underway.


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