Have you just experienced infidelity? Here are the 7 questions to ask before leaving your partner: Femme Actuelle Le MAG

In a relationship, trust is essential, and infidelity, the greatest fear. But sometimes, trust is broken, and the relationship is permanently impacted. If you are the type to definitively (and immediately) draw a line when faced with a situation of infidelity on the part of your partner, others will tend to take more time to ask themselves several questions.

In an interview with British media MetroAugust 8, 2023, Daniela Hecht, romantic relationship expert, recognizes that the discovery of a partner’s infidelity is “probably one of the most painful experiences you can have in a relationship“. So here are the questions you should ask yourself before ending it.

To leave, or not to leave: what questions should you ask yourself before ending your relationship?

For Daniela Hecht, “Before ending your relationship, it may be helpful to take a closer look at your shared past“. By asking yourself these questions, “This can help you deepen your relationship if you decide to end it and explore how you would like to be as a couple in the future“, she specifies. So, here are the questions to ask yourself before acting on impulse:

  • Have you noticed anything different lately?
  • Has one of you changed, become less involved in the other’s life?
  • Have one or both of you been pressured and how did communication go?
  • Has your relationship suffered in any way?
  • How did you feel about your partner before you found out and now?
  • What is the reason why he cheated on you? What did this mean to them – was it an adventure, just physical, or something more important?
  • Would you like it to work again and would your partner do the same?

Breakup or couples therapy?

For relationship coach Briony Leo, it’s also helpful to ask yourself whether the “pros” outweigh the “cons” of the relationship, including “whether you are able to move past this situation or feel that this is something that will define your relationship and have a significant impact on you for years to come“.

Thus, the specialist recommends “to undergo couples therapy or coaching after such an event to help both people process what happened and what it means for them“.

Read also :

⋙ Infidelity, hypocrisy, boredom: 3 tormented astro signs this weekend

⋙ Adultery: why does infidelity still scandalize us so much?

⋙ “Micro-cheating”: what is this form of infidelity that often ends badly?

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