having a swimming pool does not necessarily make you taxable

While an inhabitant of the Oise had been summoned to declare his swimming pool, identified by the exploitation of satellite images, the latter finally won his case and will not be taxed.

Who, in summer, hasn’t dreamed of having a swimming pool at home? Yes, but here it is: at the beginning of June, the Directorate General of Public Finances (DGFiP) announced that it had sent emails and letters since the end of May to more than 120,000 pool owners who had been detected in all metropolitan departments, inviting them to regularize their situation.

Among them, Daniel, a taxpayer from the Oise questioned by The Parisian. For several weeks, the tax authorities had been asking him to declare his pool, which would have had a definite impact on the amount of his property tax. But for him, there is error: its swimming pool, although 10 meters long, was not taken into account in its imposition. Because only swimming pools buried, semi-buried or not removable and fixed to the ground are taxable.

Removable pools, non-taxable

The tax authorities also recall that for a construction to be established, it must be connected to the ground. in such a way that it is impossible to move it without demolishing it. Swimming pools whose installation required digging or reinforcement work, or which are surrounded by a coping or terrace, are taxable. From the moment it is necessary to dismantle the fittings around (or under) the swimming pool, the result is that it cannot be moved easily.

However, in the case of this inhabitant of the Oise, the swimming pool is a removable and self-supporting basin with tubes and clips that are plugged into each other and which is dismantled every year to be stored in the garage. Faced with these arguments, the tax authorities decided to agree with him, and this taxpayer will therefore not be taxed.

source site-96