He chats with ChatGPT through thought, no need to speak or write!

A British start-up has developed an AI that deciphers its user’s thoughts and transforms them into data. The model then sends these to ChatGPT to create a discussion. No need for a keyboard, mouse or microphone to interact with generative AI. Obviously, there is a “but”. And even several. Explanations.

mind portal chatgpt through thought

Generative AI like ChatGPT, Copilot Or Gemini invade our daily lives. Whether in our professional life or our personal life. For a year and a half, ChatGPT has been in every conversation. But more than that: the term artificial intelligence is used in all sauces to promote products. This is particularly the case in mobile telephony where brands have announced the arrival of generative models in phones, with varying degrees of success.

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Latest: Apple. The firm announced Apple Intelligence at the start of the week, a generative AI that will not simply answer questions or create images. It will also take control of certain applications to help you do certain repetitive tasks more quickly. And it will sometimes rely on ChatGPT to do so. However, whether in the case of ChatGPT, Apple Intelligence, Gemini or even Copilot, the interactions are classic: you speak into a microphone or you enter text with a keyboard.

This AI can decode the user’s thoughts to transmit them to ChatGPT

What if it were possible to converse with artificial intelligence without speaking or writing? This is the goal set by a London start-up called Mind Portal. Its goal is not to create a system that will interpret users’ thoughts. Rather, it is a system based on artificial intelligence which will recognize brain signals and associate sentences with them. Then, this system will transmit the information to ChatGPT which will produce a response. And so on.

At the end of this article you can discover a video broadcast on YouTube by our colleagues from the English edition of Tom’s Guide. In it, a person thinks a sentence, the brain activity is recorded, decoded by the Mind Portal system and sent to ChatGPT. And the sentence is extremely complex. However, there are several limitations noted. First of all, decoding takes a long time. For a simple sentence, a few seconds are enough. For a complex sentence, this increases a lot.

Telepathy with ChatGPT is not yet for tomorrow!

Second limitation, the generative model was trained by the user for hours and hours. It’s extremely long. Each sentence must be repeated many times for it to be recognized. It is possible to create AI that does not require training for each user. But for this to happen it would have to be nourished by the thoughts of hundreds of people, thus generating generic thought models.

Third limitation, it doesn’t work every time. According to the head of the start-up, the success rate is 42%. This rate is high enough to confirm that the system is working and that it is not a “fluke”. But this rate is too low to be reliable. However, this work is very promising. Mind Portal believes it will be able to create a consumer product within 5 years that will provide very simple interactions. But to create a real thought-based human-machine interface, it will take much more time.

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