"He put the log?" : Nagui's inappropriate joke on a candidate's wedding night: Current Woman The MAG

Nagui recognizes it himself: the show Everyone wants to take its place wouldn't be what it is without the (often daring) hints of the host. Since the game show launched fifteen years ago, the star of France 2 has managed to retain its audience thanks to its saucy humor, to the point of ranking each year among the three favorite TV personalities of the French. It must be said that Nagui never finds himself short of jokes below the belt … and he accepts it fully! Between his naughty little allusions to his wife Mélanie Page, his sometimes very intimate questions to the candidates who join him on set, or even his anecdotes about his own sexual adventures, he does not miss a single one. And Friday, January 29, 2021, the presenter has once again reoffended.

During the wedding night, there is another way to warm up… ”

Like every noon, Nagui asks his new candidates to introduce themselves quickly and to tell a funny anecdote. Samira is married to Patrick, with whom she had two children. This assistant in a college, originally from Bouillargues in the Gard, decides to talk about her wedding night… “freezing ”. Intrigued, the host wants to know more. The young woman explains that she slept in a guest room not far from her home. “Room not heated, duck cold ”, the evening was not the warmest. So of course, Nagui saw this as another opportunity to spice up the conversation a bit: But during Samira's wedding night, there is another way to warm up …, he slips to the candidate. But the latter once again insists on the unpleasant atmosphere that emanated from the room in question. "No but the sheets were frozen, it was really very very cold", she continues.

Do you need your little comfort to hug or what?, Nagui teases her. Determined to make herself understood, Samira repeats as the atmosphere "creepy ”,“ cold ”, and “dark" was not really conducive to an erotic night. Being more of the type to see the glass half full, the flagship presenter of France 2 retort : It tightens the pores of the skin, it ruffles the hair, and it is good for your health not to sleep in a room that is too hot ! ” Finally, the candidate reassures him by indicating that she still managed to “to warm up" with her brand new husband. Relieved, Nagui lets go and launches a very daring slapstick: “Ah, so there was the caliente anyway? He put the log? Finally, I mean… it warmed up! ” A joke that greatly amused Samira and the audience on the set, as you can see in our video above.

Read also : Nagui responds (with humor) to “haters” who find him too committed