He savagely stabs his wife and 10-year-old daughter and spends days with the bodies before surrendering

On the night of Wednesday April 13 to Thursday April 14, a 34-year-old man went to the police station to confess to the murder of his wife and daughter, whom he had killed more than a week earlier.

It was in the Grappinière district, in Vaulx-en-Velin, in the suburbs of Lyon, that the tragedy took place. According toe Progress, a 34-year-old man showed up around 1 a.m. at the police station on the night of April 13 to 14, 2022 to confess to double murder which had gone unnoticed until now. The accused’s victims are his 31-year-old wife and 10-year-old daughter, who had recently moved. The family had indeed been living in Villefranche-sur-Saône for a short time when the disputes within the couple have multipliedresulting in multiple ruptures and death threats which had prompted the victim to file a complaint.

Anna B., the companion of Souleymane S. who works in a bank branch as an adviser, has therefore decided to leave with her 10-year-old daughter to settle in Vaulx-en-Velin. It is to this new home that Souleymane, violent and a heavy user of cocaine, went to try to conquer his companion. Always according to Progressit was on April 4 that he would have gone there and thathe would then have killed Anna and their 10-year-old daughter with a bladed weapon. However, it was 10 days later that Souleymane presented himself to the police to confess to the murder, not only of his partner, but also of his daughter. It would then be stayed in his partner’s apartment for more than a weekwith the two corpses lying on a bed and covered by blankets.

This is the 37th femicide since the start of 2022.

Our colleagues also report that it was in a drunken state that Souleymane went to the police station to say that two bodies were in his home. The police who went to the scene quickly found that he was telling the truth. The corpses, which dated back several days, had obviously been attacked with knives on several occasions and traces of blood stained the room where the two victims were. The 34-year-old man was taken into police custody and an investigation was opened by the Lyon prosecutor’s office for this new feminicide on 37and of the year according to the We All association. A white march was organized in tribute to the victims this Saturday, April 16, in the neighborhood where the mother and her daughter lived.


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He killed them in their apartment

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He was separated from his partner

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A man went to the police station on April 13

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The femicide would have taken place on April 4

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The murderer would have stayed 10 days with the bodies of his wife and daughter

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His daughter was 10 years old, his partner 31 years old

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An investigation has been opened

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The man is addicted to cocaine

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He would have gone to see his girlfriend to win her back

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A white march was organized

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The man is in custody

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