“He was a force of nature”: Guillaume Durand’s tribute to Philippe Tesson

Interview by Ines Zeghloul, edited by Gauthier Delomez

Journalist and theater man Philippe Tesson died on Thursday at the age of 94. The polemicist leaves a void in the profession, and many personalities pay tribute to him. This is the case of Guillaume Durand, great voice of Europe 1, who confides that he cried a lot for the death of his colleague.

Journalist, theater man, or even polemicist, Philippe Tesson died this Thursday at the age of 94. The father of the writer Sylvain Tesson died at his home in Yvelines, said the Théâtre de Poche-Montparnasse in Paris, which he directed. A death which “totally dismays” Guillaume Durand, one of his colleagues, and who knew him particularly well. “He was the fragile Philippe, elegant, apparently worldly but fundamentally courageous, who had a tightrope walker side”, describes the one who has spent a large part of his career at Europe 1.

“It is devastating to know that he is no longer there”

“I remember that on the radio, he arrived at the last minute and he started at the quarter turn, he was already well over 85 years old”, says the 70-year-old journalist and host, today on Radio Classique. He adds that Philippe Tesson had “incredible form”. “He went out in the evening, he went to his theater, to performances… He was a force of nature”.

Guillaume Durand confides to the microphone of Europe 1 that he “cried a lot” the death of his friend. “I lived with him, at dawn like that on the radio, and we really had fun. It’s devastating to know that he is no longer there”, concludes the host.

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