he who says who is!

Le 1er May 1974, visiting Brittany by plane and bicycle, the agronomist and environmentalist presidential candidate René Dumont (who would total 1.32% of the votes a few days later, in the first round of voting) declared in a report in the 8 p.m. newspaper : “The car stinks, it pollutes, it makes you stupid. » If the advent of the electric automobile is likely to lead to a weighting of the first two points of the statement, what about the third? Are anger, stupidity or harshness while driving part of the invariants of driving? The question occupies very serious research in psychology. But also (hence this column) certain specialized YouTube channels.

The keywords “dashcam” and “daily obs” (for “camera on board at the front of the car” and “daily observations”) are here the passports to a hell paved with resentment. Litany of swear words and insults, generally uttered to oneself alone, in one’s passenger compartment, after… answer A: refusals of priority at roundabouts; answer B: fish tails on expressways; answer C: flashing lights not activated prior to a change of direction (be careful, there is a trap: all three answers are correct).

These behaviors considered indelicate, dangerous, even aggressive, are part of the ordinary life of a driver for whom hell (rather tarmac, in reality), is necessarily other people, and particularly during rush hours. So Yop Dashcamwho roams the Breton roads, and warns, by means of a card at the start of each video, that it is not “not an example behind the wheel” and he does surely there are errors [lui]-even “.

This French rap lover systematically records incidents that occur in front of his bumper. In the outskirts of Western France, from roundabouts to ring roads, the kilometers accumulate and skirmishes multiply.

In doing so, the man also reveals his repertoire of insults. And a certain intolerance to the indiscipline of his fellow citizens. In one of his videos, we sense his vindicating side emerging when he warns a motorist who has not given way to him: “You’re being filmed!” » Beware !

In autopilot mode

Of course, the person filming reveals as much, if not more, about themselves than about others. From a psychological point of view, this propensity to get annoyed or angry is significant. Indeed, numerous studies showed that latent anger felt by motorists facilitates aggressive behavior and accidents on their part.

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