Head injuries – Hiker fell 100 meters over rocky terrain

Mountain accident in Tragöß: A 34-year-old who was on the “Dr.-Kotek-Steig” suddenly fell and slipped 100 meters over rocky terrain! The Styrian suffered head injuries, and a mountain rescuer who happened to be nearby provided help.

The 34-year-old – he comes from the Bruck-Mürzzuschlag district – was around 5:55 p.m. with a companion on the so-called “Dr.-Kotek-Steig” in the “Hörndlalm” area. How exactly it happened is still unknown, but suddenly the Styrian lost his balance. The consequences were dramatic: he fell 100 meters down over very steep rocky terrain. He remained lying there with head injuries. The injured person was treated first by his companion, a mountain rescuer who happened to be in the area was notified by radio, rushed to the scene of the accident and took over the further care of the heavily bleeding 34-year-old. The man was rescued by the crew of the C17 rescue helicopter using a rope and flown to the LKH Hochsteiermark/Bruck an der Mur.
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