Head of the Catholic Church: Pope calls environmental destruction a sin

Pope Francis has called for more international efforts to combat climate change. He has long been campaigning for more international cooperation against climate change in speeches and writings.

Pope Francis (87) has described violations of environmental protection as a “sin against God”. He also called for more international efforts to combat climate change.

Pope: “The data on climate change is getting worse every year”

“The data on climate change is getting worse from year to year,” warned the head of the Catholic Church on Thursday in Rome. “Therefore, it is urgently necessary to protect people and nature.” He called on the industrialized nations to provide more help and to protect poorer countries and their populations in particular.

He wanted to be the first pope to take part in one of the annual climate summits

The 87-year-old pontiff has long been campaigning for more international cooperation against climate change in speeches and writings. Last year, Francis wanted to be the first pope to take part in one of the annual climate summits, but was prevented from doing so by illness.

In his greeting to a Vatican climate symposium, he called the destruction of the environment an “offense against God, a sin that is not only personal but also structural, which seriously endangers all people, especially the most vulnerable.” There is also a risk of conflict between the generations.

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