Health change on Warzone could ruin the meta

While a significant health adjustment on Warzone looming on the horizon, some players are concerned, pointing out that this could be bad news for some battle royale weapons.

Ever since the launch of Warzone, health and armor have always been top of mind for players. For some, given how quickly battle royale weapons can annihilate an opponent, they’re just too low.

Many have in mind how things played out back in the days of Iron Trials, a limited-time mode where health and armor were greatly increased, making gunfights much fairer.


Some players have repeatedly asked for health to be increased in Warzone.

Now it looks like the players who were hoping for these changes have been heard as Raven Software has started taking the temperature on what players would like to see in the future. They offered a poll to see if players preferred health to stay at 100, or if they wanted it increased to 150.

Out of over 75,000 attendees, 72% voted for a health boost on the battle royale, but is that a good idea for the future of Warzone?

Warzone’s Potential Health Boost Has Players Worried

As youtuber WhosImmortal pointed out, echoing multiple statements on social media, this change is likely to be bad news for some of the game’s most popular weapons, as their TTKs will be drastically altered.

Using stats provided by TrueGameData, the YouTuber pointed out that the Cooper and Automaton, with their current classes, could suffer a sharp decline from the CR-56 AMAX, which would quickly rise to the top.

As for the Bren, which has long been the weapon of choice for most Caldera players, the YouTuber notes that it could still be viable, but would likely be behind the AMAX and AK. -47 of Cold War, if the weapons remain in the state.

Of course, it’s highly likely that this health change will come with some massive weapon balancing.

Either way, the meta is set to undergo a massive change in the near future, so better start preparing for it.

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