Health: Every zodiac sign must pay attention to this

Each sign of the zodiac has different health weaknesses. BRIGITTE astrologer Roswitha Broszath tells you what to look out for. That doesn't mean that certain diseases have to show up in life. It is to be understood as an aid in which area each zodiac sign should be careful.

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The astrologer and alternative practitioner Roswitha Broszath has been creating horoscopes for BRIGITTE and content for BRIGITTE online for more than 25 years. Her credo: "Anyone who has ever dealt intensively with astrology will be enthusiastic about it. It is an affair of the heart to me."


Love, job, development – you can find out much more about each sign of the zodiac in the book BRIGITTE-ASTROLOGY: The Great Book of Astrologyfrom which these texts originate. Diana Verlag, 400 pages, 8.95 euros.