Health pass: 560,000 people could have their code deactivated this Saturday

From Saturday, having received your booster dose on time becomes mandatory to keep your health pass.

Watch out for unpleasant surprises. From this Saturday, January 15, adult French people who have not received their booster dose of anti-Covid vaccine on time will have their health pass deactivated. According to the most recent data provided by the Directorate General of Health (DGS), 560,000 people are likely to be affected.

Indeed, as stated by the DGS, dated January 13, “15.3 million people have already received their booster dose out of the 15.9 million eligible people“. As a reminder, the deadline for receiving your booster dose is set at seven months. It can be given three months after the last injection of a double-dose vaccine (Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca). This obligation has already been in effect for people aged 65 and over since December 15.

SEE ALSO – Fake health passes, the new state-led hunt

For the hundreds of thousands of people recently infected with Covid-19, they may have a recovery certificate temporarily exempting them from a booster dose. It is valid for six months after contamination. But, to keep the health pass thereafter, a booster injection remains necessary between three and seven months after infection.

This seven-month period will be reduced to four months from February 15. What probably lead to a new wave of deactivations.

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