Health system: the last chance prescription?

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CHRONIC. On the eve of Emmanuel Macron’s announcements to rebuild a “breathless” sector, it is no longer time to deny the depth of the evil.

Through Jean de Kervasdoue*

President Macron visiting the Timone hospital in Marseille, September 2, 2021.
© Ludovic Marin/ AFP

Reading time: 11 mins

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EGiven the seriousness of the situation, the many players in the system – around 2 million people –, like all French people, will only accept therapy if the inventory is described to them without blunting. Admittedly, Emmanuel Macron and his Ministers of Health can be criticized for having prepared for the most urgent matters during the Covid-19 epidemic and for having proposed only a few structuring measures in health policy, including the abolition of the numerus clausus.

But the Head of State has inherited a failing system and is suffering the consequences of decisions taken – or rather, more often than not, not taken – for a good quarter of a century. If the depth of the evil is denied, if the measures are not aimed at the long or the short term, government proposals will be ignored…

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