Healthy is: Don’t let yourself be stressed

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Stress has many causes. They can be professional or private. They have an outside impact – for example through deadline pressure, high requirements, or current circumstances such as the pandemic. Stress can just as well be self-made, for example through expectations that we have of ourselves too high. Whatever the cause, it’s actually always about an imbalance between pressures and resources available to deal with them. The most important first step is to recognize the stress and acknowledge that you are stressed. Only then is it possible to identify the various sources of stress and counteract them.

Here it is helpful to imagine your current condition as a battery level: How many resources, how much energy are available to me? What robs me of energy, what brings me new ones? That is the basic idea of ​​the personal stress profile test from Atupri: It helps you in a first step to identify the energy robbers. In the second step you find out what the most important energy sources are for you. And as a result you will learn strategies to reduce the energy thieves and create new energy sources.

It is important not to take on too much right away. It doesn’t make sense to turn your whole life upside down right away. It is better to carefully plan individual steps, repeat them and see how good they are for you.

It is just as important to confide in other people. Talk to colleagues and supervisors at work, with your family and friends. Clarifying discussions can help. And a common goal is an important source of energy.

The stress profile test is just one of many measures that Atupri uses to protect your health. Fill it out now and find out what you can do about stress

Click here for the stress profile test

Published: 07/05/2021, 12:01 a.m.

Last updated: 06/25/2021, 11:06 am