Healthy pancakes, the best recipes for breakfast

Healthy pancakes are possible! Discover our best light pancake recipes to start the day off right! Balanced breakfast ideas that are perfectly suited to weight loss or dietary rebalancing.

Pancakes, which can be translated as “pancakes”, are a breakfast staple. Although they are very popular across the Atlantic, they are also consumed in France, especially during brunches. We like them American style, with scrambled eggs and bacon, Canadian style, with maple syrup, but also more classic, with a good spread. We also love ultra fluffy and very thick Japanese pancakes.

Whether for brunch, breakfast or even a snack, pancakes, we would eat them every day! However, these recipes should be made occasionally, because they are generally quite rich. If you love pancakes, here are some healthy pancake recipe ideasTo consume without moderation !

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Is it okay to eat pancakes in the morning?

Yes and no ! The original recipe contains a lot of butter and sugar and depending on the toppings, the calorie total can quickly explode. Good news: it is possible to balance and lighten the recipe, to make a healthy and complete breakfast! In fact, we can easily reduce or even eliminate the sugar in the dough and replace the butter with bananas or compotein order to maintain an airy and light texture.

These two ingredients are also natural sweeteners. You can also replace the flour with oats, richer in fiber and with a lower glycemic index, which helps you feel fuller and avoid blood sugar spikes. Finally, you need to be a little lighter on the toppings.

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How to make banana pancakes?

The banana is THE star of healthy pancake recipes. For what ? Because this fruit is a natural sweetener which also adds creaminess to the dough, therefore replacing butter and sugar.

Ingredients :

  • 1 banana
  • 100g of flour
  • 1 egg
  • 70 ml of milk
  • 1 teaspoon of baking powder

Steps :

  • Mash the banana then add the egg and milk
  • Gradually add the flour and baking powder
  • All you have to do is cook them in a hot pancake pan.

Oatmeal pancakes recipe

Oatmeal is often found in food rebalancing recipes. It’s a food rich in fiber, satiating and therefore appetite suppressant. In fact, it is digested more slowly by the body, which limits the feeling of cravings. Plus, it’s a breakfast recipe that you can easily make in advance!

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Ingredients :

  • 180g oatmeal
  • 40 cl of milk (or vegetable milk)
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar or agave syrup
  • 1 pinch of salt

Steps :

  • Mix all the ingredients together and leave overnight.
  • Cook the pancakes for a few minutes and flip until the batter forms small bubbles on the surface.

Banana and oatmeal pancakes for breakfast

This healthy pancake recipe is a bit of a mix of the previous two! In addition to being healthy, it contains only 3 ingredientss! Don’t hesitate to double the quantities if there are several of you.

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Ingredients :

  • 1 ripe banana
  • 40g oatmeal
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp baking powder

Steps :

  • In a bowl, mash the banana and mix with the other ingredients
  • Leave the dough to sit for 30 mins
  • Cook in a hot pan for a few minutes on each side

Pancakes without butter and without sugar with fromage blanc

In healthy pancake recipes, you find banana everywhere! However, it is not to everyone’s taste and it does not necessarily adapt to all toppings or savory pancake recipes. Here in a banana-free alternative.

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Ingredients :

  • 2 eggs
  • 150 g of flour
  • 250 g of natural yogurt (for a sweet version you can opt for vanilla yogurt for example)
  • ½ packet of baking powder
  • 1 pinch of salt

Steps :

  • In a large bowl, beat the eggs, then add the remaining ingredients. Mix until you obtain a homogeneous mixture.
  • Leave for 30 minutes at room temperature
  • Cook in a hot pan with a little fat

Low-fat applesauce pancakes

Of the low fat pancakes without banana, it’s possible ! Simply replace this fruit with applesauce. Indeed, this ingredient is also a natural sweetener and allows you to replace butter in a recipe. In addition, it contains very few ingredients.

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Ingredients :

  • 90 g of flour
  • 200 g of compotes without added sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 3 g (or ¼) baking powder

Steps :

  • Separate the egg white and yolk
  • In a large salad bowl, mix the yolk with the rest of the ingredients
  • Beat the egg whites and gently incorporate them into the rest of the preparation.
  • Heat on a hot pan over medium heat

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