Hearthstone: Maw and Disorder mini set, all cards

The Hearthstone mini-set for the Murder at Castle Nathria expansion is finally starting to be unveiled! It’s titled Maw and Disorder in Shakespeare’s language, and it summons other epic characters from Shadowlands. And it’s The Jailer and Sylvanas who star in this mini-set. Suffice to say that the pool of legendary cards to come is already making Blizzard fans salivate.

Maw and Disorder will be released on tuesday September 27, 2022, and will be strong with 35 new cards. This mini-set is obviously a continuation of the investigation of the current extension. New defendants, unpublished witnesses, suspicious evidence… Murloc Holmes still has a lot of work ahead of him!

The complete mini-set includes:

  • 16 different community cards
  • 14 cards rare different
  • 1 card epic
  • 4 cards legendary

To obtain these cards, several options are available to you. You can continue to open “normal” Castle Nathria Murder packs to discover them, or you can buy the complete mini-set directly, for 1500 runestones (about 15 dollars) or 2000 gold. For collectors who are not afraid to get their hands on the wallet, a pack with all the cards of the mini-set in golden version will also be offered for 7000 runestones (about 70 dollars).

Legendary Cards


Common Cards

Rare Cards



Epic Cards


Blizzard shelled the revelation of the mini-set cards until September 26, ie on the eve of the release of the cards themselves. Keep an eye on this article to discover the new cards that you will be able to play very soon.

The cards in the miniset will be immediately playable in Standard and Arena.

Could an eleventh class be about to arrive on hearthstone? The rumor swells as a serious leak appears on social networks. Has the time finally come for the DK, a class that is already very old in WoW and still hasn’t had its equivalent in Hearthstone?

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