Hearthstone: new Murder at Castle Nathria expansion, keywords and first cards

Do you dare to cross the doors of Château Nathria to lead the investigation? Reply on August 2nd next, with the release of the new Hearthstone expansion: Murder at Castle Nathria ! Blizzard therefore continues its year of the Hydra with a small passage in Revendreth, an area of ​​the Shadowlands and the last extension of World of Warcraft; Shadowlands.

As usual, this set will bring 135 new cards as well as a new mechanic and a new card type.

“It’s something quite new for Hearthstone to explore a relatively new theme in the WoW universe. […] We don’t want Hearthstone to just echo WoW player nostalgia. We wanted to bring something really new to the table.”

Walt Mitchell, Senior Software Engineer

New Mechanic: Imbue


Your thirst for anima has no end! Impregnation works as an absorption of the soul of your fallen minions. When a card from your hand has Impregnationit will transform once a certain number of allied minions die, since you acquired this card in your hand.

For example, if you draw the priest of the deadand let three of your servants die during the trades that you perform during your turn, the Imbuing of your priest of the dead will activate, and the card will be strengthened.

“One thing we want to do throughout this year is encourage board-centric gameplay and minion combat.”

Cora Georgiou, Game Designer

New type of cards: locations



Location cards are played as minions, directly on the board, and you can activate their effects each turn, until their durability expires (much like weapons).

“With Imbuement, you are rewarded for adopting board-centric gameplay. The more minions you have on the field, the faster you can get the mechanic’s bonuses.”

Walt Mitchell, Senior Software Engineer

The board is life

With this expansion, and especially with its new Imprint mechanic, Blizzard seems to want to highlight the importance of the board in Hearthstone. And it’s rather a good thing, because a good bunch of players had it enough of decks that “play by themselves”, without really interacting intelligently with what the opponent is playing.

To work Impregnation will ask players to fill their side of the board.

Prince Rénathal: the legendary card offered to all!


Prince Renathal will be the card offered to all Hearthstone players who log in before and after the release of the expansion. For the previous set, the free legendary card had been the Blademaster Okani, which remains a popular tech card in the meta to this day. It remains to be seen whether Rénathal will also manage to carve out a place of choice in the archetypes. Pushing the size of your deck to 40 cards is in itself a disadvantage, because your game will logically have less consistency. But the 10PV bonus in return is considerable, and may put a stop to aggro games.

The other known cards of the set

New key mechanic of the new expansion “In the heart of the Sunken City”, dredging opens up new deckbuilding possibilities, in addition to having the good taste of reducing the RNG side of the draw pile. Let’s see what this keyword bodes for Blizzard’s TCG.

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