Hearthstone: the fundamental set for the new Year of the Hydra is finally revealed!

The expansion “In the heart of the sunken city” comes out in exactly one week on Hearthstone, and Blizzard finally reveals the fundamental set that will embellish this new year of the Hydra. Introduced last year via the year of the Griffin, the device of the free fundamental set gives the standard a based on 250 classic cards from the game. But this pack of cards, which in a way can be seen as a big extension, has the particularity of “rotate” from year to year.

To put it simply, today unveils the very first rotation of the fundamental set. And it’s already crystallizing some really big changes for the next standard meta.

The new old cards that are back

Above are some of the cards that will be making a comeback to the Standard meta on April 12! All in all, these are 72 new cards that join the fundamental set this year. Conversely, 57 cards from the previous fundamental set will leave the standard. You will find the detailed list below.

Cards that leave the fundamental set

  • Demon Hunter: Ashtongue Lord, Warglaives of Azzinoth
  • Druid: Enchanted Raven, Landscaper, Keeper of the Menagerie, Druid of Nordrassil, Ancient of War
  • Hunter: Scavenging Hyena, Webspinner, Bear-Shark, Headhunter’s Axe, Ready to Shoot
  • Mage: Water Elemental, Mirror Entity, Dead Hero, Drake of Coldarra
  • Paladin: Holy Light, Pursuit of Justice, Guardian of Kings
  • Priest: Crimson Cleric, Shadowform, Spawn of Light, Temple Enforcer, Natalie Seline
  • Rogue: Cultist of the Blade, Patient Assassin
  • Shaman: Windfury, Unbound Elemental, Grave Draenei Totem, Earth Elemental
  • Warlock: Dread Infernal, Possessed Villager, Enslaved Fellord, Ritual of Doom
  • Warrior: Warsong Officer, War Cache, Warsong Outrider
  • Neutrals: Arcane Anomaly, Argent Squire, Cogmaster, Young Priestess, Mini-Mage, River Crocolisk, Toxicologist, Brightwing, Seer of the Earthen Ring, Flesh-Eating Ghoul, Ice Rage, Injured Blademaster, King Mukla , Spider Chariot, Stoneskin Basilisk, Baron Rivendare, Gurubashi Berserker, Inquisitor Whitemane, Barren Steed, Clockwork Giant

Several new cards from the foundational set immediately grab our attention, as they shaped the metas in which they were playable. We think in particular of reno jackson or at Brann Bronzebeard.

In order to see the total list of cards that make up the fundamental set, go to the card catalog of the official Hearthstone website.

The Sunken City is complete

Blizzard immediately revealed the 46 expansion cards In the heart of the sunken city which were hitherto unknown. You will find the full card list of the expansion here.


Battlegrounds will now be organized into “seasons” similar to Hearthstone expansion cycles. These seasons will allow you to better anticipate the inauguration or conclusion of major changes for this mode, whether it is special events, keywords or system modifications. It will all start with the first season of Battlegrounds, when Update 23.2 is released. This will see the arrival of a new keyword, naga minions, new heroes, and more! Going forward, the team plans to continue adding cosmetics to Battlegrounds throughout the year, as well as a mid-year progression system.

New heroes and companions

Ini Stormslide


Passive effect. Once 9 allied minions are dead, you get a random Mech.

Underwater Cleaner (Ini Stormstorm’s companion)

[Taverne niveau 2, Méca] 4 ATK / 4 HP. Once you’ve played a Mech, gain +2/+2.

Players with the benefits of Battlegrounds mode will be able to access the new hero before its official release on April 19.

Battlegrounds Balances


  • Previously: Passive effect. Once Bob’s Tavern refreshes, copy and freeze one of his minions. → Now: Passive effect. Once Bob’s Tavern refreshes, copies his minion to the highest level and freezes that minion and its copy.
  • Dawngrass Aquawarrior (Varden Dawngrass companion) Previously: “Twice as Good” also gives the copy stats equal to your Tavern level. → Now: “Twice as good” also gives both minions stats equal to your Tavern level.

The first expansion of 2022 is revealed and will take us to the sunken city of Zin-Azshari! The magnificent and terrifying underwater world will open up to players who will be able to discover the Nagas there of course, but perhaps also certain monsters… which should have remained unknown.

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