Heat wave in Germany: This is how cell phones and tablets get through unscathed


The heat also makes it difficult for mobile phones, tablets and the like. We reveal how to keep your gadgets cool despite the summer temperatures.

  • The summer heat also affects electronic devices.
  • You should not expose them to direct sunlight.
  • There are also other ways to cool the devices.

Germany is facing a heat wave. Regionally, the thermometer should scratch the 40 degree Celsius mark this week. The high temperatures not only bother you, but also your favorite gadgets. Mobile phones, tablets etc. etch under the heat. This has a negative effect on the battery life, in the worst case there is even a risk of overheating. How can this be avoided?

Treat gadgets like a “pet”.

Don’t put your smartphone on the dashboard in the car or on the window sill in summer! Surfaces that are already heated, such as a balcony table in the blazing sun, are also not a suitable place for your devices. This is actually a truism, but in view of the current high temperatures in Germany, letters to the editor on this subject are piling up, as they do every year. We often respond with the following advice, which is not meant to be taken too seriously: In the summer, treat your smartphone, notebook or tablet the same way you would treat your faithful dog.

After all, you wouldn’t expect your four-legged friend to wait for you in the car with the windows closed at 35 degrees Celsius in the shade. Nor would you let him fetch sticks for hours. Transferred to the Gadget: Try to avoid computing-intensive tasks where possible. This includes smartphone games or image processing on a tablet PC.

Because most portable gadgets, including even extremely powerful ones like the current iPad Pro, do not have a fan due to their design. The resulting waste heat from the built-in components is then released to the outside exclusively via the (metal) housing.

It is better to charge only in the cool evening hours

Before smartphones or tablets switch off for security reasons, they usually throttle the performance of the processors. You may be able to tell this from the delayed change when scrolling through the start screens or when scrolling on websites. Take this seriously as the first warning sign and best avoid unnecessary activity.

If possible, you should also postpone charging the devices to the cooler evening hours. Modern Quick Charge technologies sometimes heat up the smartphone quite a bit. If the tablet or smartphone is in a protective cover, it is best to remove it for better air circulation.

Tip: On Android, you can monitor the temperature of key components with system tools like AIDA64.

If you can’t keep your hands off your smartphone, it’s best to go to a shady and cool place. But beware: the idea of ​​giving your smartphone or tablet a short break in the fridge is a very bad idea. Harmful condensation could form in sensitive areas due to the rapid temperature change, which outdoor photographers can also sing a song about.

Special case desktop PC

Things are different with desktop PCs and notebooks. In particular, complex wired desktop computers, which sometimes also stand at a window as an office workstation, cannot even be brought to a cooler place. These – apart from the newer generation of devices without fans – usually also dissipate the heat through appropriately dimensioned fans.

Here it is important that the fan can rotate freely and is not full of dust. The best way to clean the PC is to use a vacuum cleaner tube over which you put a sock. With this trick you can reduce the suction power and avoid damage to the electronics.

You can find detailed instructions on how to protect your PC from overheating in our article “PC jams: tips to prevent overheating”. In another guide, we will tell you how to measure the temperature of your CPU.

If you want to take your technology with you on vacation, we will also give you valuable tips at this point.

Photo credit: ognennaja/depositphotos.com”

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