Heated discussions – Vienna state parliament: political dispute about inflation

Heated debates and a finger
The city blues immediately identified a political conspiracy in the city and called on City Councilor Peter Hanke to resign. Although the digitization agendas are now settled with city councilor Ulli Sima (both SPÖ). Much of the debate was heated. Among other things, Nepp demanded the immediate withdrawal of rent increases for municipal housing, but also of taxes and fees. There was then a call to order for Members of Parliament Jennifer Kickert (Greens), who only had the stinky finger left for Udo Guggenbichler (FPÖ) during his speech. Their party then also opposed the VAT reduction proposed by the Blues. “There is no stupid solution to fight poverty,” said Martin Margulies (Greens). Richer households would also spend more in times of inflation and thus benefit more from the tax cut. The ÖVP demanded the repeal of the Valorisation Act. It’s not about “a few more euros per year for the citizens” but about 50 million euros that go into the Sta

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