Heating properly: 3 mistakes that cost you dearly

Correct heating
3 heating errors that get really expensive

Heat properly: Three points in particular quickly become a cost trap.


More and more of us are slowly starting to turn the heating on again – and unconsciously wasting a lot of money. An expert explains how we can save a lot of money.

Is it really that time again? Yes, it doesn’t help: It’s getting colder and colder outside and we’re slowly starting to bring our heating back from the summer break. But the cozy warmth at home comes at a high price – mainly because most of us don’t know which mistakes cost us dearly. In this RTL article, an expert explains in a nutshell what many of us don’t even have on our radar when it comes to heating.

Correct heating: This is how you avoid the cost trap

Of course, we want to be particularly efficient when it comes to heating – after all, heating costs are not only becoming more expensive every year, but the unnecessary waste of energy is also a major burden on the environment. Fortunately, it is very easy to use the heating in a more targeted manner – and thus protect both the climate and your bank account. In the video you can see what you have to pay attention to!

Source: RTL


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