Heavy rumbling – earthquakes in Carinthia clearly felt!

In the late evening hours of Sunday, the earth shook in Carinthia.

A heavy rumble, window panes vibrated: Sunday evening in Carinthia the earth shook around 10:15 p.m. – and that was clearly felt. According to Geosphere, the magnitude was 3.8 on the Richter scale. According to initial information, the epicenter was in the St. Veit district, in the village of Graßdorf. Readers also reported from Millstatt, Wolfsberg, Villach and Klagenfurt. “Our skyscraper shook. Books fell off the shelf. That was scary for a moment,” says Carinthians. Other readers report “We could clearly feel it around 10:20 p.m. and hear a strong humming,” says the Lengersdorff family. The Wriesnig family writes: “We also had an earthquake in Mittertrixen. Rumbling throughout the house.” And Kaiser-Olschnegger: “It was pretty loud and the whole house shook. Acrylic paintings are placed on my bookshelf as decoration. One of them fell on the ground. The others have shifted.”
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