Heidi Klum: Now your daughter is in front of Rankin's camera

Heidi Klum
Now her daughter is in front of Rankin's camera

Heidi Klum 2020 on the red carpet.

© Xavier Collin / Image Press Agency / ImageCollect

Leni Klum's modeling career continues to climb steeply: She stands in front of the camera for professional photographer Rankin.

Leni Klum (16) makes her mother Heidi Klum (47, "Making the Cut") very proud of her freshly started modeling career. Especially now: Leni is in front of the camera of Heidi's house and court photographer Rankin (54). He is not only a regular at "Germany's Next Top Model", but has also had stars such as top model Kate Moss (47), designer Vivienne Westwood (79) and musician David Bowie (1947-2016, "Life on Mars") in front of his lens. And now: Leni Klum.

The young models posted a short video of the photos on Instagram, in which they received instructions from the professional photographer. Mama Klum also shared her daughter's experience on Instagram. One video shows her 16-year-old daughter in a close-up during the camera shoot, while Rankin enthusiastically clicks the shutter button and says "Lovely!" exclaims. Heidi provides the post with little heart smileys and writes the hashtag "#proudmama" (Proud Mama).

At the beginning of 2021, Heidi and Leni Klum together graced the cover of the German edition of "Vogue" – the starting shot for Leni's modeling career. In January, Heidi's daughter was also allowed to walk at the Berlin Fashion Week. Leni Klum was also there for the shooting of the current season of "Germany's Next Top Model". In one episode, Mama Klum even announced with a subordinate clause that her daughter would one day take over the show.
