Helldivers 2: a single player mode planned? Arrowhead speaks out

Helldivers 2 was a real phenomenon when it was released last February on PC and PlayStation 5, the shooterArrowhead Game Studios And Sony Interactive Entertainment met with enormous popular success, it has sold more than 12 million copies. But it has an appearance that can be off-putting.

Eh yes, Helldivers 2 is only playable in cooperative multiplayer, you have to find friends (or make them) to go and explode these vile aliens and bring democracy to space. The developers did well by offering regular missions that advance a storyline, but some players would like a single player mode in the form of a campaign. SO, Arrowhead Game Studios will it respond to the demands of this community? Well the new CEO Shams Jorjani responds to a user on X (ex-Twitter):

It will not arrive. Sorry bro. It’s like creating a whole new game.

The message is clear, Helldivers 2 is and will remain a cooperative video game. But, who knows, it could give developers ideas for a Helldiverse 3 equipped with a single player mode. If you are interested in the game, it is available for €32.99 on Amazon.

Read also: Helldivers 2: return to the 80s with the next premium War Bond, Viper Commandos

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