her husband made a big decision

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While his wife Karine Esquivillon has been missing since March 27, Michel Pialle, victim of attacks on social networks, has decided to file a complaint.

Since March 27, Karine Esquivillon has not given any sign of life. When she had left the family home located in Maché, in Vendée, she never came back. A few days later, her husband Michel Pialle had therefore reported her disappearance on April 3. If the circumstances remain unclear, for her husband, it would be a voluntary disappearance and that she would even be accompanied. “I guess she had a date with someone, he explained in a recent interview. Besides, she says so in one of her messages. She was not alone, someone was waiting for her.

But, since the disappearance of his wife, Michel Pialle has had to deal with many accusations on social networks. Some even think that the fifty-year-old would be the culprit. He then took a big decision to silence these rumors. This Friday, June 2, his lawyer, Me Antoine Ory announced that his client and his children were going to file a complaint for “online harassment”.

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Michel Pialle and his children decide to file a complaint

“Facebook groups are emerging, Mr. Pialle and his daughter are called or receive messages all day, explaining to summarize that the father is guilty and that the daughter is stupid not to realize it. Michel Pialle is already shaken enough as it is, the situation is not easy so when cowardly people write to him all day to accuse him, it does not help the situationexplained the lawyer to TF1/LCI. “These acts are committed by individuals, some of whom have already been identified and will soon be targeted by a criminal complaintwhile others, acting cowardly on condition of anonymity, will have to be identified”, underlined Antoine Ory to BFM-TV.

Because faced with these numerous accusations, Michel Pialle decided to se “barricade” his home. It is defamatory. Direct accusations. For them, I am a killer. I have to search my garden… But it has already been done! The scientific police searched everything in my house, they passed product everywhere. Even my well, they plunged into it. They checked everything!”, he said to France Blue Loire Ocean. If according to his daughter Eva-Louise, it is normal that his father is suspected, the more the investigation progresses and the more it is unlikely that he has something to reproach himself for.. There was the scientific police who came, there were searches, searches, everything related to computers was taken. My father is totally transparent, he says he understands that we suspect him even if it’s hard. Ourselves as children, it is very hard“, she explained. Since the disappearance of Karine Esquivillon, an investigation for kidnapping and forcible confinement has been opened. A toll-free number has been set up to collect any useful information: 0800 877 668.

Pauline likes deciphering current events as much as telling the latest stories of your favorite people. When she’s not scrutinizing the lives of stars, she spends time…

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