Her husband tells her that she does nothing at home; she goes on strike

In the United States, a woman could not stand her husband accusing her of not taking care of the house enough. She decided to show him why he was wrong, with humor and pedagogy.

That will teach him! In the USA, the husband of a mother had the audacity to tell her that she was not doing “nothing at home. Rather than wasting time arguing with him, Lindsay Donnelly, his wife, preferred go on strike and stop cleaning the house during many days. She documented her experience on TikTok, and his video has over 14 million views and 20,000 comments. In her post, she showed what the house would truly look like if it didn’t really “Nothing“. After two days of strike, we can see in the video (in which we can hear the song Karma by Taylor Swift in the background) that the floor is strewn with dirty laundry and toys and the dishes are not done.

On TikTokInternet users criticized Lindsay’s husband: some said that was why they did not want to get married, others claimed she should divorce. Finally, a few shared their own strikes, praising Lindsay for highlighting the invisible work of women and the mental load of which they are victims. Indeed, according to the magazine Today, Lindsay is the head of a social media marketing agency. She works full time, like her husband. The mother of the family therefore undergoes what are calleddouble days“, i.e. days of salaried work combined with the domestic workload, unequally distributed between her and her husband.

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A successful strike!

Eventually, Lindsay’s plan seems to have worked. The young woman told the magazine that after her two days on strike, she had decided to go on a weekend with her friends; when she returned, the house was clean and the car had been cleaned. Brian, her husband, regretted criticizing his wife’s work: I felt frustrated and took my nerves out on her”, he explained. “He apologized”admitted Lindsay, before specifying a Today : “He’s a great husband. It was just once“.

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