Her husband wants to name their baby after a cult Star Wars character

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A woman finds herself faced with a big dilemma: agree to give her child the first name of a Star Wars character or admit to her husband that she is afraid for his future…

When you choose a first name for your child, he is supposed to keep it all his life, so a big responsibility lies with the parents, but some seem to take it lightly. You have to think about the story behind the first name, its origin, its meaning, you also have to remember that he can be teased because of his first name… As we know, children are rarely kind to each other in the playground! Even if the most important thing is to teach benevolence to children so that they don’t make fun of others or even that they can defend those who are made fun of, it’s not always easy.

A woman finds herself in a huge dilemma for choosing the name of her baby, so she decided to tell her story on the Reddit forum. Her husband wants to name their baby after a cult Star Wars character, but it’s too much for her… Indeed, this name is too reminiscent of the saga and a villain in addition!

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She had already accepted a first name inspired by a saga

The father wants his son to bear the first name of Darth Vader be Anakin, a name that pleases the mother but the fact that it comes from Star Wars really scares her. As she explains in her message posted on the Reddit forum, she has already accepted that her first child has a name from a saga: The Lord of the Rings. His eldest is called Rowan like the character of the trilogy. They had chosen this first name because it is original but also because the link with The Lord of the Rings is not obvious.while for Anakin it’s too blatant…

The woman explains that besides she is not really a fan of Star Wars but when she told her husband, he reminded her that he was not a fan of Lord of the Rings either. And she seems really distraught in her message: “He really likes the sounds of that name, I don’t know what to do.” In the comments, Internet users were unanimous: even being a fan of the saga, Above all, do not give this name to a child! Some have even shared their personal experiences with this first name and we can say that it has not been easy every day…

Parenting writer

Zoé is on a work-study program, she joined the aufeminin team in September 2022, she writes for the parenting section. Committed and curious, Zoé likes to write to advance…

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