her important resolution for the new year

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The young mother of six children has set herself the goal of solidifying ties with her loved ones, despite her busy daily life.

For Camille Santoro, the year 2023 will pass under the sign of rapprochement. In an interview at Tele-Leisureshe claims to have taken “lots of resolutions this year” : among them, “see more [ses] relatives”. Mother of Alessio, Nino, Emie, Mattia, Maé and Alba, she regrets not having been able to take the time to visit her family or receive them. “I think we were a little caught up in the work and it’s a point that we neglected a little, and which is very important for us”insists the thirty-something revealed by the show Large families. A resolution that she has already begun to respect: this Saturday, January 14, Camille Santoro spent the day with her family and friends.

The year 2022 has been very eventful for the young mother. The life of the large family was first troubled by Maé’s hospitalization, during the period when Camille Santoro worked on her brand of children’s pajamas. She was then very busy with the Christmas holidays spent in New York, joyful despite some hiccups like a snowstorm and the loss of the twins’ stroller.

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Complete reorganization

For the coming year, Camille Santoro also wants to reorganize. In June, she said she wanted to start a new habit in his life: “One day, I would love to be able to do the miracle morning. Get up an hour or an hour and a half before the whole house, to have time for myself, to go for a run, to do all the things that I cannot do when I have all the children with me”. On Instagram, she published this January 15 in story an initiative that could well save her precious time: “I am in the process of completely reorganizing my way of doing housework, in order to be even more organized and efficient”she wrote.

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