Her pregnancy is proceeding normally, but what she learns in the seventh month leaves her in shock

Aged 38, this mother doubted that she could still have a child. At 20 weeks, she learns that her pregnancy is not ordinary.

At 20 weeks pregnant, Genevieve “Genna” Knox, a teacher from San Diego, California, believed thatshe had a normal pregnancy. However, he is told thata second baby is also on the way. But the rest will shock her because in the seventh month of her pregnancy, she will learn thatshe is not expecting two children at all. In 2019, Genna, 38, and her husband Kyle wanted to have a second child with their 6-year-old son Liam, the British daily reports. The Mirror. The couple were also aware that Genna was at a more or less advanced age.

During the ultrasound at 20 weeks, Genna first discovers that she was going have twins when she was expecting to have only one baby. “She said, ‘Wait, are you going to have twins?’ And I said, ‘No, I don’t think so,'” Genna said. “Then I looked up and I could clearly see thatthere were two babies“, she confided to TODAY.com. The couple of Genna and Kyle were already wondering how she was going to organize with suddenly three children at home. But they weren’t at the end of their surprise. In her seventh month of pregnancy, Genna performed a CT scan.

She learns in shock that she was expecting more than twins

A scanner in four dimensional that she just wanted to have as a souvenir and something to show their familyreports The Mirror. During the ultrasound, Genna became concerned because the sonographer took a long time to talk to him. “How old were you when you found out you were having twins?“, asked the operator. “Oh my God, you won’t believe it“, Genna replied before telling him what happened at 20 weeks. Then Genna learns that she is in fact expecting triplets and not twins. Genna says she was totally in shock when she heard the good news and she”barely rememberswhen she found out.


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Pregnant woman
“She was like, ‘Wait, are you having twins?’ And I was like, ‘No, I don’t,'” Genna said. “Then I looked up and could clearly see there were two babies,” she told TODAY.com.


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Pregnant woman
The couple of Genna and Kyle were already wondering how she was going to organize herself with suddenly three children at home. But they were not at the end of their surprise.


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Pregnant woman
A four-dimensional scanner she just wanted to have as a keepsake and something to show their family, reports The Mirror.


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Pregnant woman
During the ultrasound, Genna got worried because the sonographer took a long time to talk to her.


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Pregnant woman
Then Genna learns that she is actually expecting triplets and not twins.

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