Here, Ace Attorney TV! : Phoenix Wright and Benjamin Hunter tell us about their games in a fun video

As we told you, during the Capcom Online Programthe Japanese publisher gave see you this Sunday morning for a video dedicated to the series, designed for both newcomers and fans of the license Ace Attorney. A surprising choice when it could have been broadcast during its presentation or just put online without warning on YouTube. Obviously, some were hoping for a tease for a possible Ace Attorney 7 or other unpublished title. Ahead, this Saturday, the official account wanted to cool the enthusiasm ahead of the broadcast by declaring that there would be no announcements of new products. There remained then the meager hope of an announcement of translation of The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles in languages ​​other than English and Japanese, or even a remaster of Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorneybut unfortunately this was not the case. Besides, the latter was not even mentioned…However, the video is quite amusing and worth a look, which is why we are happy to take the time to share it with you.

Phoenix Wright accompanied by Benjamin Hunteragainst his will except when it comes to talking about his games, so they play it YouTubers in a real fake show Here, Ace Attorney TV! which therefore takes stock of existing titles. As a common thread, we have the introduction of several characters described as eccentricnamely Benjamin Hunter himself, Franziska von Karma, Godot, Conrad Gavin, Jack Lamenoire, Nahyuta Sahdmadhi, Barok van Zieks, Shi Long Lang And Justine Delcour. The other protagonists are Apollo Justice And Athena Cykes for the second trilogy, as well as Herlock Sholmes And Ryunosuke Naruhodowho is the ancestor of Phoenix in both spin-offs The Great Ace Attorneyare also highlighted.

More surprisingly, there is mention of Ghost Trick: Ghost Detectivewhich has nothing to do with the license. And the worst is that in English, Phoenix saying “Why not check out Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective too” sounds like he’s announcing a sequel. If the joke towards the players is intentional, it’s pretty good.

We will pass over the fact that Capcom make the characters say that each game is independent and it is therefore possible to start with any although this is not really the casesince certain references are made as the chronological progression progresses. In short, this is just a marketing video that is not there to help players find their way around.

The ending could have made us believe in a teaser with the mention of next time, except that it is mainly a joke… And even if that’s the case, you shouldn’t expect anything other than another promotional video like this. If you ever wonder, the reference to Steel Samurai: Warrior of New Old Tokyo concerns a series of tokusatsu of the world of games, that Benjamin Hunter love it.

Let’s all hope, now that all the non-collaborative games have been published, that Capcom ends up offering something new. Ace Attorney Investigations Collection is available at the price of €39.99 in box on Amazon and to €35.99 at Gamesplanet.

thumbnail editorAlexandre SAMSON (Omega Law)
Addicted to Assassin’s Creed and Destiny, big fan of RPGs and passionate about video game experiences in general. Reader of comics (DC) and various mangas (One Piece!). Chemist by training and Whovian at heart.
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