We all want to see the signs that we’ve found our soulmate, but in reality, we know deep down that love isn’t that simple. In fact, “soulmate thinking” is destroying many relationships, with people forgoing the work that goes into building a healthy partnership and simply believing that things will work out because they’re “meant” to.
And if this new study is to be believed, that way of thinking can only lead to heartbreak. In fact, new research from the Institute for Family Studies has found that strong marriages happen, but they don’t end.
Their research found that the strongest couples—those who believed strongly in mutual commitment, caring, and compassion—all engaged in four specific behaviors that made the other person feel loved and secure in their relationship. These behaviors include:
1. Spend meaningful time together.
According to the study, couples who spend more time together focusing on their relationship, whether by going on regular dates or spending time at home with each other, have stronger marriages than those who don’t. “My wife and I make a point of spending time together every night watching a movie, working on a project together, or even just talking.”Alex, Jessica’s husband and father of three boys, told GoodToKnow. “We also make sure to go on a trip together at least once a year while Grandma is babysitting. It strengthens our relationship and helps us be better parents.”.
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2. Acts of kindness.
Researchers also found that regularly performing acts of kindness toward each other helped couples feel more secure in their relationship, with both partners demonstrating kindness, gratitude and affection on a daily basis.
3. Forgive offenses.
Along with acts of kindness, the researchers explained that turning the page on negative moments is also important to building a strong relationship. They explained that “this combination of positive investments, while drawing a line under negative interactions, allows a relationship to remain vibrant throughout the seasons of the relationship.”
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4. Maintaining the relationship.
“Couples with a high connection are significantly more likely to engage in relationship maintenance behaviors, such as expressing needs, discussing problems, and setting goals for improvement.”the study showed.
The benefits of these behaviors are that a healthy relationship that is continually worked on leads people to have a better outlook not only on their relationship, but on their entire life. If you want to try these behaviors, according to Brooke Box. “(…) Make time to be together as a couple, not just as co-parents. It’s essential to reconnect outside of your parenting roles.”
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A graduate of the Nice School of Journalism, I am 26 years old and originally from the South of France. Passionate about reading and sports, I am also a …