The beautiful days are over! But what he said summer is heat. A joy for some, a sadness for others. But it is certainly the night when the temperature rise is very difficult to live. Here are 6 tips for sleeping more easily during the summer season.
The arrival of the summer advertisement brought enormous changes. First of all, it’s holidays. And evidently, this can bring a lot of expenses. It is therefore important to maintain a reasonable budget so as not to take too much damage to your wallet. But the sun rays are not mandatory to adapt our wardrobe. Consequently, the opening of summer wages is not negligible for the purpose of conducting good business. But that’s not all.
The increase in temperatures is also to be taken into account because it is necessary to live in greater comfort, but also for our health. It is therefore useful to have healthy habits and good gestures. For example, if you expose yourself to the sun, sun cream is indispensable to protect you from UV. Plus, it’s important that you maintain sufficient hydration rather than excessive sweating due to summer heat. In addition, sleep is also affected by this summer season. Voilà, comment and remedy.
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Tips to maintain a satisfactory night temperature
Who has already turned and returned in his bed because of the heat? The result is that nights are more difficult and sleep quality is affected. In effect, we don’t have any air conditioning in our home. However, there are solutions to regain a certain level of sleeping comfort. Selon the influencer @monsieur_astuces_instayour The fan must be oriented towards the outside. Why? In effect, at night, the outdoor temperatures are lower than your interior. Consequently, it is the hot air that needs to be vented from your room.
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Then, for a free bed, put your curtains in your freezer. One hour would be sufficient. The result is that a lower temperature will be present. That too, do not hesitate to put a cold water bottle in your bed. It will therefore lower the temperature under your blanket. Finally, if it is feasible for you, sleep on a surface as low as possible. Like the heat of the mountain, you will be closer to the sun.
Some solutions for a more pleasant summer sleep
Finish off the raclettes, the tartiflettes and all those grass-fed winter dishes. Always according to the influencer, privilege seasonal fruits and vegetables to help your body adapt to the heat. Consequently, choose a good mixed salad with hamburger fries. Your digestion will be easier and your metabolism will therefore require less calorie expenditure. Your body does not fit properly at all.
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Other tips, sleep in cotton or linen drapes. Why? Because these materials are lighter and airier than synthetic ones. Because this is the last solution, open your windows at night if this is possible for you. The plus, place a damp fabric before this opening. The result is that your interior air will be cooler and the temperature in your room will be lower. With all these tips, find quality sleep and energy to benefit from the summer.
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Physically well, mentally well, sexology, feminism, education, psychology, politics… Discover with Léna a welcoming and resourceful universe through her shares on AuFéminin. Aware of the importance of maintaining balance…