Here are 6 natural solutions to spice up your kitchen

The beautiful days announce the return of insects, especially moths. And they can quickly abandon our cuisine. No panic. Here are some natural remedies to make sure you don’t have to worry about them.

With spring, we have the chance to see the first rays of sunshine, but also to feel the gentle heat settle in. Unfortunately, with the summer season, also the insects appear. And floaters and mottles are not an exception. Plus, they can quickly become dressed up or down in our kitchens and everything they make up. How to unblock naturally? 6 solutions are to be found in everyday life.

But right from the start, we can prevent the noises from getting louder before the evictors. Premiere, Do not allow food to be fed outside. For this reason, now close your trash cans if possible, regularly, and wash your dish to avoid food odors. Make sure that plants also attract insects. When heated, ventilate your room to reduce the heat that causes floaters. Finally, clean your drains well.

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Natural solutions to install at your home

Unless you take these steps to prevent flies from coming into your home, you may even find those little insects in your kitchen. Very few natural solutions exist for refugees. The first is the bouchon of liège. Install some plugs in your home. The odor repels the molasses. It is even with the wing and the gyroscopic handle. Fruit baskets and trash cans are strategically placed to store these unsavoury foods for these animals.

Continues with the scents that are reminiscent of floaters. The essential oils that we love are not appreciated by insects. Therefore, do not hesitate to essential oil diffuser of eucalyptus, lavender, powdered lemon or even citronella. The aim is to clean your drains with these strong odors. It will be perfect for your kitchen and to create a relaxing and zen atmosphere in your home.

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Products that remove the smells from your interior

The plants are the places where insects can easily settle. Corn a very simple recipe will make your dinner more enjoyable. In a tied water container, incorporate a black soap soup spoon with a boiled bicarbonate coffee spoon. Then mix this mixture in a spray bottle. Finally, vaporize the land and your plants, especially the leaves with this product. The result is that no insect resists. Other tips, the planter to plant in the soil of your plants. The smell of sweat is insupportable for the sensitive.

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The last natural solution to remove puffiness, the combination of liquid vinegar and cider vinaigrette. This mixture is to be installed in a recipient and placed in an area such as fruit baskets or trash cans. At night and at moderate speed, the cider vinaigre attracts the insects and then peeks into the soap. They cannot get any further. With all these easy-to-use techniques, you’ll no longer be overwhelmed by these little beasts.

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