Here are our 10 good reasons to get on an electric bike

The electric bike is on the rise. Here are 10 good reasons to adopt this ecological mode of transport.

10 good reasons to adopt electric cycling — Illustrative image // Source: Ymagine bikes

With the rise in popularity of ecological modes of transport, the electric bicycle is emerging as an increasingly attractive alternative. Whether you’re an avid cyclist or just looking for a convenient way to get around, here are our top ten reasons to take up electric bike riding.

Ecological choice: adopt sustainable mobility

Although we can blame it for the use of a battery, and therefore for the pollution caused by its manufacture, the VAE is an ecological means of transport. If this moving vehicle is in fact more polluting than a traditional bicycle, the carbon footprint of daily travel — all modes of transport combined — still leans in its favor.

With more or less autonomy depending on the model, it is capable of replacing the use of a thermal car on many daily journeys… mainly in city centers (like in Paris or other large French cities). ). Adopting the practice of electric cycling represents a gesture in favor of the planet, especially if you abandon your car for an e-bike.

Faster: the art of avoiding traffic jams

In urban areas, in Paris as in any medium-sized or large city, traffic jams are legion and can considerably lengthen travel times by car. According to Google Maps, traveling 4.5 km from Porte de la Chapelle in the 18th arrondissement of Paris to Châtelet les Halles (1st arrondissement) would take 27 minutes during the day compared to 17 minutes by bike.

The electric bike helps avoid traffic jams — Illustrative image // Source: © Pixabay

Electric-assisted bicycles make it possible to avoid traffic jams, in particular thanks to the cycle paths which dot the urban roads. In addition, many streets with no-car traffic allow bicycles to enter them. Once again a good way to save time by optimizing your journey’s route.

More economical: reduce travel costs

The electrically assisted bicycle is clearly more economical than the car or the thermal scooter – although, some VAEs also exceed 3000 or 4000 euros. The calculation includes in particular the costs linked to the purchase, since a car represents a much higher investment.

Along the same lines, fuel costs are much higher, even for an electric car. Finally, compulsory insurance for a motorized quadricycle or scooter costs much more than the civil liability necessary to use an electrically assisted bicycle. This civil liability is generally already included in home insurance.

Electric bike help Ile de France
Source: Frandroid

Concerning the initial purchase of an e-bike, note the existence of several financial aids: at the national level, the State offers a package of up to 400 euros for the purchase of a new or reconditioned electric bike from ‘a professional. The sustainable mobility package should also be taken into account, which allows employers to reimburse up to 800 euros per year on home-work journeys. This assistance can be applied to financing an electric bike. The regions and communities also offer little help.

More practical: parking, transport and storage

Using an electric bike also means freeing yourself from the hassle of parking a car in urban areas. Much easier to park in city centers, the electric cycle is welcome in many public places which have dedicated spaces where the user can attach it.

bike parking
Source: IDF Mobilités

In the same vein, the electric bicycle can also be taken on certain transport systems – like most TER trains, but not the metro, buses and trams – facilitating cycle tourism and intercity travel. We also think of the enormous bicycle parking lots which are gradually emerging from the ground near the stations in particular, such as the XXL parking lot at the Gare du Nord.

Health and well-being: maintaining physical activity

Contrary to popular belief, riding an electric bike is not for the lazy. The electric bike is an ideal way to get moderate exercise and can encourage less active people to move around more. Cycling regularly helps improve cardiovascular health, tone muscles and improves overall physical condition.

Source: Frandroid

In a more radical example, our Paris – Dieppe journey carried out on electric gravel in the space of two days shows to what extent the body can produce muscular effort. Throughout Sunday’s route, it was demonstrated that during the 119 km traveled, 2/3 of the effort came from… our legs.

Reduce daily stress: avoid public transport

One of the undeniable advantages of electric cycling is avoiding public transport. Often crowded, especially during rush hours, public transport – metro, buses and trams – can be a source of stress for some people. Acquiring an electric bike also means buying the freedom to travel peacefully to your workplace while avoiding the rush of public transport. Beyond daily commuting, cycling outdoors on weekends helps improve mood and enjoy the environment.

Rediscover the surroundings: explore the urban landscape

The electric bike offers new perspectives for exploring and rediscovering the environment. In Paris or any other city, this mode of transport provides the freedom to discover new picturesque routes. Being able to stop at any time, or being able to take a new path is a freedom rarely accessible by car, especially for city dwellers.

Source: Febiyan via Unsplash

Discover new sensations: thanks to electrical assistance

Pedaling an electric bike offers a pleasant and fun driving experience. Where leveled terrain can represent a significant obstacle or even an obstacle to purchasing if you live in a really hilly area, choosing an eBike allows you to forget about the positive height difference thanks to the assistance of the motor. The electric bike promises to bring the pleasure of riding lightly to all individuals: from the most active to the most sedentary.

Less fatigue and less sweat: perfect all seasons

Thanks to its own motorization, the electric bike allows you to travel without intense effort, regardless of the hilly route. If the traditional bike often brings its share of sweat in the middle of summer, the electric bike allows you to arrive at your destination without feeling the immediate need to rush into the shower. To arrive at work dry in the morning, or return home in the best conditions, this can always be useful.

Simplified maintenance: easily manage bike maintenance

Maintaining an electric bike requires much less attention than maintaining a car or a scooter. In the event of a mechanical problem, it is possible to carry out most of the repairs yourself: changing the inner tube, maintaining the chain or adjusting the brakes.

vanmoof repair
Maintaining an electric bike can be done yourself in the majority of cases — Illustrative image // Source: VanMoof

For users who do not wish to get their hands dirty under any circumstances, there are numerous bicycle dealers throughout the country who carry out repairs quickly. In short, the procedures and costs remain much lighter than a car.

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