Here are our 5 favorite innovations from VivaTech 2022

From June 15 to 18, 2022, the VivaTech show welcomes startups, entrepreneurs and large companies in Paris. Numerama went there and offers you some videos of things he liked.

“The largest European tech fair”. Since June 15, if we trust social networks, the whole world is watching France and the Viva Technology show. Six years after its creation, the French version of CES in Las Vegas continues to fuel the hopes of French Tech, which dreams of becoming a must in the eyes of the world. The reality is of course more nuanced, we must admit that we are still very divided on VivaTech. There is good, but also what English speakers would call “bullshit”. Rolling sofas, NFTs galore, concepts seen and reviewed… Like all tech shows, VivaTech attracts everything and its opposite, even if it means sending the wrong message.

We reassure you, we will not complain more in this article. At VivaTech, there are also deserving companies with attractive projects. After several hours on the show, we have selected five. Here are short videos to introduce you to their ideas, available on TikTok, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube:

A Nespresso-style connected vegetable garden

In the future, will we all have a small vegetable garden in our kitchen? We add water to a tank, we connect it to the current and the vegetable garden takes care of making the plants believe that it is growing in a natural place. Not new you say? The company The Grangette offers, for once, something new. It intends to market seeds in the form of capsules the size of a Nespresso pod, to add to any vegetable garden. The future of aromas, salad and cherry tomatoes? An application then makes it possible to know the state of health of its plantation.

Connected glasses and helmet for cycling

At the house of Cosmo Connecteda French company that can already be found on the shelves of Afflelou opticians, there are two interesting products for cyclists.

  • Retailing for €489 (but a drop around €350 is coming), Cosmo’s augmented reality glasses display speed and trip information in the upper right corner of your vision. In the future, Cosmo wants to go further with a real augmented reality device, a bit like the Oppo glasses we tried in Barcelona.
  • For €159, Cosmo Connected will launch this summer an ultra-light and connected bicycle helmet. It can indicate whether you are turning right, left or braking with a light. A version at 199 €, with a remote control to hang on the bike, will also be offered.

The first (long) autonomous RATP bus

After several experiments, the first autonomous buses could soon arrive in Île-de-France. At VivaTech we rode in a special version of line 393. There will be a driver in the front but the bus can drive and turn on its own. The RATP hopes to deploy this bus this fall, after a new test phase this summer.

Cakes by robots

We all know about 3D printers, will there soon be food printers? A Norman startup called Digital pastry has developed a machine capable of making cakes using powder. We choose a form in an application, it runs. Its target is professional pastry chefs, who would rent it for €500 per month.

Flying taxis at the 2024 Olympics?

Let’s be honest, this fifth innovation might be a bit bullshit ?. Anyway, we were too impressed with the look of the flying taxi from Volocopter not to talk about it. From 2024 in Paris, this German company dreams of flying taxis responsible for transporting you from one place in the capital to another. The Olympic Games must serve as a kick-off, it remains to be seen whether this will be possible.

So much for this VivaTech 2022 selection. On Twitter, we offer you a thread with more things crossed at the French tech fair. Let’s hope that the arrival of foreign media this year will boost the quality of the show, with more speakers and serious projects next year.

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