Here are the 3 times when you should definitely not brush your teeth to protect them, according to a dentist

No need to explain the importance of brushing your teeth at least twice a day. But did you know that there are times during the day when you should definitely not brush your teeth? We will explain everything to you.

Although brushing your teeth seems simple at first glance, there are actually many rules to follow to preserve your oral health. Recently, a dentist revealed common mistakes to avoid to have beautiful teeth. And among the common errors is brushing time. Indeed, according to a dentist You should definitely not brush your teeth right after breakfast. Which may seem completely counterintuitive. And yet!

Right after breakfast bacteria present in the mouth are responsible for breaking down sugar. “This acid dissolves the surface of the tooth, which is the first stage of tooth decay”, explains dentist Shaadi Manouchehri on her Instagram account. Again, we might think that it is better to brush your teeth to quickly get rid of this acid. But we would be wrong. “Therefore, brushing your teeth right after breakfast is never a good idea because you spread this acid all over the teeth”, explains the dentist.

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A dentist explains when not to brush your teeth

Following this same reasoning, it is therefore not necessary not brushing your teeth right after eating sugary foods like candy. The dentist recommends to wait about 1 hour before brushing. But there is another time when you should abstain, also related to acidity. And it’s right after vomiting. Yet the temptation can be great. Indeed, after regurgitating a meal, we only want to have fresh breath.

But the dentist warns of the extreme acidity of the stomach contents. “This stomach acid weakens tooth enamel. If you brush your teeth at this time, it causes enamel erosion”, explains Shaadi Manouchehri. To replace brushing, it is possible to rinse your mouth with water. Here again, you will have to wait at least an hour before you can brush your teeth without risking damaging them.

Passionate about women’s news, Agathe has been deciphering the latest trends for aufeminin since 2022. Her favorite areas? Psychology, nutrition and well-being advice, without forgetting the tips…

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