Here are the first names of the happiest people, according to a psychologist

The first name we give to a child is important and requires thought. To help you, for example, you can rely on a study that ranked the first names of the happiest people.

When you are expecting a child, it is a moment of unparalleled happiness. But, after hearing the news, you have to think about the first name to give to this little one. You can opt for a rather original and unique first name, or refer to The Official First Names to give you ideas. In all cases, you have to be sure of yourself, and above all you have to like the first name. So, you can also opt for first names with a particular resonance, that is to say, which mean something in a specific language. For example, among all the existing languages, you can select a first name that will mean “happiness“. And, speaking of which, do you think it’s possible that a name can actually bring good luck?

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According to a study carried out in Australia, these are mainly first names which are worn by people who are fulfilled, and who are therefore in an environment conducive to them being happy. The first names in question mainly come from Anglo-Saxon countries, but they are also present in France, even if they are rarer. In the top 10 names of the happiest men, we find “Christopher” in last position, “Nigel”, “Craig” or even “Joshua” in first position. As far as female first names are concerned, “Vicky” is in last place in the ranking, closely followed by “Isobel” and “Susan”, far ahead of “Judy“. Enough to give you ideas if you are looking for a first name for your future little wonder.

Can a first name influence a child’s personality?

This is a difficult question to answer, given that it is a personal belief. Some people believe in it, while others don’t. Professor Joubert, in 1983, concluded that certain individuals had unusual, rather original first names, which could handicap them on a daily basis and have an impact on their academic success. A disadvantage that those with a more conventional first name would not have: “It could be that conventional first names, which strengthen self-esteem and which are better appreciated by teachers, facilitate school and university performance.” And you what do you think ?

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