here are the future maximum compensation deadlines

In an interview with the Ouest-France agreement, Bruno le Maire announces his intention to cap the compensation deadlines for car and home insurance. Discover these future ceilings.

This is what we call name & shame. Guest Tuesday morning on BFMTV, Xavier Bertrand, the president of the Hauts-de-France region, specifically criticized eight insurance companies (1)accused of not compensating the victims quickly enough, following the floods of late 2023 and early 2024 in the North.

The media release resonated all the way to Bercy. In a West-France agreement interviewBruno Le Maire, the Minister of the Economy, announced that the future Pacte 2 law, the text of which is expected by the summer, would integrate a measure aimed at regulating insurance compensation deadlines in automobiles and homes: We [les] We will cap six months (…) after damage, and even two months when the disaster does not require expertise, promises the Minister of the Economy and Finance.

Lengthy deadlines for complex files

Currently, these deadlines are generally met when everything is going well, estimates Olivier Gayraud, lawyer for the consumer defense association CLCV, still in West France. They can be extended, however, on more complex files – those involving, for example, medical expertise – or in the case of natural disasters, where companies must process a large number of requests simultaneously.

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Reminder: a claim must be declared within 5 days of its discovery by the insured. Before paying compensation, the insurer must then assess the damage, with or without the intervention of an expert. To speed up the treatment, it is recommended to keep all documents – in particular purchase invoices – allowing this step to be accelerated.

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(1) Direct Assurance, Groupama, GMF, MAAF, CIC, Monceau Assurances, GAN Assurances and BPCE Assurance.

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