here are the male and female names that are the worst lovers

A list of the male and female names of the worst lovers has been circulating on the internet for 10 years. To be honest, here are the first names concerned.

An unpleasant list for some. It has been circulating on the Internet for 10 years, including female and male first names. people who are not confident in bed. No one really knows where it came from. However, some say that the study was conducted by the University of Michigan in the United States with more than 4,500 women. This would have been achieved through dating apps.

The information would nevertheless appear to be erroneous since the list mainly contains French first names. Although no one knows the real origin of this study, it amuses more than one, but annoys just as much. Indeed, several very common first names are found there, and that doesn’t make everyone laugh. Better to take the list at face value and laugh about it during a coffee break, teasing your colleagues or practicing self-deprecation. The most rational will find it hard to believe that a first name determines a person’s abilities in bed. So be it, but here is the list in question.

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A list dating back 10 years resurfaced on Fun Radio

It was host Christina Guilloton, on the Fun Radio station, who spoke about this list to her listeners. The latter did not necessarily know that it already existed, and must have been very curious to know the first names it included. The male names of the ‘worst blows in bed’ were first mentioned, and this must have been surprising. Because in fact, everyone knows at least one person in their entourage who bears one of the first names mentioned, given their fame.

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The first on the list is none other than the first name Julien. You definitely know one. Your companion is perhaps called Julien? Your colleague, your best friend… Once again, it’s better to laugh about it. The first names that follow are also quite common: Mohamed, Damien, Kevin, Benoit, Lucas, Hugo, Clément, Mehdi and finally Mamadou. So, do these names mean something to you? Can you confirm ?

The female names of the worst blows in bed

The list in question, which has been running for 10 years, does not only concern men. Indeed, female first names also appear there and are most surprising. Just like the list of male first names, that of female first names is mainly made up of very well-known, and rather classic, first names. It’s sometimes difficult to imagine the women we know and who have these first names, in bed…

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The top three cites the first names of Isabelle, Camille and Sandrine. You must surely have a first name for everyone in your entourage. This must also be the case for the other female first names mentioned since they are Julie, Ludivine, Barbara, Audrey, Emilie and even Sylvie. Once again, and without a bad pun, this list should not be taken literally and is certainly not very rational. We can therefore keep this information as a second-degree scoop in the office, to impress or amuse the gallery. It depends on which side you’re on, of course.


Originally from Toulouse, I moved to Cannes in 2021. It is therefore very close to the sea and palm trees that I have been writing for Au Féminin since 2022. Accustomed to …

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