here are the mistakes that make it ineffective

What if we applied our hydroalcoholic gel incorrectly? On RTL, Michel Cymes revealed the most common mistakes we make when disinfecting our hands.

With the Covid-19 pandemic, hydroalcoholic gels have become everyday allies. Everyone has at least a bottle of it in their bag, but not all of us use it properly. And if it is misused, there is unfortunately nothing miraculous left! On RTL, Michel Cymes unveiled the most common mistakes we make when disinfecting our hands. The first is quantity.

"If you have a vial with a pre-dosed pump, let the technique work. If not, don't settle for a dab of gel as I've seen. Be generous! Fill the palm of your hand well. The gel, it is better to put too much than not enough», Advises the doctor.

Have the right gestures

Today, it is customary to pour a small amount of hydroalcoholic gel in the palm of a hand. We then rub both hands and think we are rid of germs. Except … not at all! Many of us do not have the right gestures …

"You have to spread the gel. It is only after that we rub our hands palm to palm, then back of the hand to the back of the hand, and we do not forget either the spaces between the fingers which are good refuges for germs, nor the wrists, neither the tip of each finger, nor the thumb which, when you look closely, is often the big forgotten thing. Total totals shown in hand: if it takes less than 30 seconds to rub yourself with gel, then you botched the ceremony», Explains Michel Cymes.

Pay attention to the composition of the gel

Tomorrow you will no doubt be attracted to a strawberry or lemon hydroalcoholic gel, but a simple product with few ingredients will be much more effective! "My advice: let's keep it simple! And simplicity can be seen by reading the ingredients. The more there are, the more complex the product. And the more complex the product, the less good it is for the skin and its effectiveness is questionable.», Continues the doctor.

Finally, for it to effectively eliminate viruses and bacteria, your hydroalcoholic gel must contain at least 80% ethanol. "Below 80%, you risk buying Perlimpimpin powder", specifies Michel Cymes. In other words, your gel is totally ineffective. Be careful, also avoid applying the gel to wet hands as this can cause burns. Never rub your eyes after putting on the gel, and do not apply it to open wounds, eczema or the side of private parts.

"The gel, we cannot say it enough, remains a booster product and nothing replaces washing your hands (and wrists) with clean water and soap», Concludes Michel Cymes.

The hydroalcoholic gel recipe unveiled by the WHO

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Video by Juliette Le Peillet