Here are the most reliable charging networks in France, so you can go on holiday with peace of mind

As the holidays approach, Chargemap has just published its 2024 ranking of the most reliable charging networks in France and Europe. At the end of the semester, Electra climbs to the top of the ranking, closely followed by Tesla and Fastned.

car charging ranking
Source: 123rf

With a recent test revealing the real-world range of 47 electric cars, it’s clear that large electric sedans like the Tesla Model 3 Ludicrous dominate this ranking. However, if your vehicle isn’t among the top performers, it might be interesting to know charging stations most reliable in France, even in Europe. Indeed, at the dawn of vacation departures, the reliability of these infrastructures becomes one of the main concerns for EV drivers seeking to avoid faulty terminals.

Loadmap is a popular platform used by electric vehicle drivers to locate charging stations. Thanks to reviews from over 80,000 users, this app evaluates charging stations based on several reliability criteria. Reviews cover aspects such as ease of use, initiating charging, the ratio between the power delivered and that expected, as well as the condition of the terminals and cables. To establish this ranking, the company analyzed more than 225,000 ratings collected between January 1 and June 9, 2024. Each network had to have a minimum of 1,000 ratings to be included in the evaluation.

France charging network rankingranking of recharge networks in France
Source: Chargemap

Here is the ranking of the best charging networks in France for this summer

In Europeit’s the network Electra who rises to first place, followed by Tesla Superchargers and Fastned. These networks are appreciated for their ease of use and the performance of their infrastructures. The Atlante networks, Carrefour Market and EnergyVision are also making their entry into the ranking thanks to significant improvements in their reliability. This criterion includes the ease of their use, the efficient initiation of charging and the impeccable condition of the terminals and cables.

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In Francethe ranking presents some differences even if this trio remains the same. Fastned ranks first, followed closely by Electra and Tesla Superchargers. The TotalEnergies, ENGIE Vianeo, Carrefour Market and Electric 55 Charging networks were also recognized for their commitment to providing reliable and efficient charging solutions. With this information, drivers of electric cars can therefore plan their summer trips with complete peace of mind. You will no longer have any excuse to find the most reliable terminals.

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