Here are the precautions to take if you barbecue while pregnant

The return of summer temperatures officially heralds the great return of barbecues. Grilled meats, roasted camemberts and even fish in foil are the essential dishes of this summer, but are they really safe for pregnant women?

While it is tempting to eat without worrying about what is allowed or not, certain foods are harmful to the health of the baby as well as the mother. First of all, it is important to ensure that you are well immunized against toxoplasma, a parasitic infection that is transmitted if a pregnant woman comes into contact with undercooked food or a cat carrying this bacteria. it is also necessary to take precautions against the risk of listeriosisof the bacteria which can cause infections severe in pregnant women and bring complications during pregnancy such as risks of malformation Or premature birth.

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Although most foods are allowed, the important thing is to cook meats correctly in order to destroy the germs and avoid any contamination. Dr Corinne Chicheportiche-Ayache explains in the columns of Parents: “If the sausages have been cooked well, no problem consuming them, since it is the heat treatment, therefore the cooking of the meat, which will destroy the germs”. However, the cooking of the sausages is not the only indicator to take into account. Here is what is really allowed and what is not allowed during pregnancy.

Can a pregnant woman eat sausages and merguez?

THE sausages And merguez are grilled foods that can be eaten without problem at a barbecue during pregnancy. However, it is necessary to take some precautions starting with cooking. To cook meat correctly, it is imperative that the temperature is greater than 70°. The meat must absolutely be cooked through so that all traces of germs and bacteria are eliminated. To avoid any contamination, it is therefore preferable to avoid rare or blue cooking which carries a much higher risk of bacteria than cooking through.

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To be sure not to get sick, the meat must be cooked so that no one blood Or pink juice does not leak from the meat. Make sure the meat is very fresh before cooking and that it is not damaged in order to avoid the proliferation of bacteria. It is recommended not to leave the meat at room temperature for more than 10 minutes between taking it out of the fridge and cooking, and above all, do not use the utensils that were used to cut raw meat to serve cooked meat. It is possible to freeze cooked meat provided you do not exceed the 3 days and not store it in a place where the temperature is less than -18°.

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What types of meat can a pregnant woman eat for a barbecue?

Most meats are allowed for pregnant women. Skewers, hot dogs, sandwiches, chicken in foil…As long as the meat is cooked correctly, it is possible to enjoy yourself without feeling guilty. THE Pisces are also permitted provided that the latter are well cooked. To ensure good cooking, make sure the flesh comes off the bones easily. When barbecuing or grilling, it is best to avoid smoked, marinated or salted meats because they also carry bacteria that are harmful to the baby’s healthy development.

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Certain meats and fish are prohibited during pregnancy, as they are considered prone to bacteria. Thus, dishes comprising raw meat like the tartars (based on meat or fish), raw fish (tatakis, sushi, etc.) as well as seafood should be banned from the diet. Conversely, during a barbecue, it is also preferable to avoid eating overly grilled meats. Often cooked in coal or to wood firemeats contain smoke particles which are harmful to health and can be carcinogens if they are consumed over the long term.

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Is barbecued Camembert allowed?

Cheeses during pregnancy can be consumed provided that they are pasteurized. Just like the raw meatsTHE cheeses made from raw milk are prone to bacterial infections. There listeriosis, which is a bacteria, can lead to illness and complications during pregnancy. Even if it is uncommon in France, it is nonetheless dangerous for the mother and the fetus, so it is wise to pay attention to the food ingested.

THE roasted camembert is one of the star dishes of barbecue but is it allowed for pregnant women? The answer is Yes, provided that this food is well cooked and melted in order to avoid the proliferation of listeria, a bacteria harmful to the baby. Even though Camembert is a cheese made from raw milk, as long as the latter is well cooked and takes a melted appearance, there is no problem. The only requirement, if you are having a barbecue while pregnant, is that it be cooked to more than 70° in order to eradicate any risk of contamination. So whether it’s Camembert, goat’s cheese or even Reblochon, as long as the cheese is well cooked, it poses no risk for pregnancy.

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What to eat as a side dish for a barbecue during pregnancy?

A barbecue is good. But a barbecue with a side is better. In order to eat a balanced diet, it is strongly recommended to consume fruits And vegetables with your grill. Vegetables cooked on the barbecue are authorized provided that they do not contain too much traces of charcoal. As for the chips, even if the latter are not prohibited, they should be avoided because they are very fatty and can impact the baby’s weight. It is therefore possible to consume it but in moderation!

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When it comes to sauces, it is possible to indulge yourself, as long as you remain vigilant. THE sauces made from raw eggs are to be banned from the diet, it is therefore prohibited to consume mayonnaise. If you brush your meat with any other sauce, take care that it is not exposed to direct sunlight, as this risks encouraging the proliferation of salmonellosis.

Is barbecue cooking dangerous for babies?

Barbecue is one of the signature dishes of summer, but is it really recommended when you are pregnant? Even if this does not present any particular risks immediately, it is advisable not to enjoy the barbecue excessively. Dr Chicheportiche-Ayache advises limiting barbecues because fumes Emitted by the barbecue are not good for your health if you are exposed to them in the long term. The contact of meat with smoke and flame generates toxic particles which can be toxic to health.

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If you want to enjoy the sunny days by eating grilled meats, you can definitely use a plancha to grill your meats. This is much less toxic because cooking does not release toxic smoke and the meat is not smoked with charcoal. If you miss the barbecue grill, you can definitely use purified charcoal to brown your meat and small vegetables. Purified coal has the particularity of avoiding the toxicity of smoke during combustion and therefore of being healthier. In all cases, barbecue remains tolerated provided you do not overdo it and stay away from smoke.

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