here are the start and end dates of the new tax return

The opening of the online declaration of the 2024 income declaration on 2023 income will take place on April 11. If this date marks the start of the campaign, taxpayers will have until June 6 at most to validate their declaration.

The income declaration campaign will start like every year in mid-April. According to information from Capitalthe date was set for Thursday April 11 For the opening of the online service of the 2024 income declaration on the Impots.gouv website. According to information from our colleagues at Capitalautomatic declarations will also be accessible from this date for those with simple tax situations.

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Deadlines already known

April 11 would mark the start date of declaration. The deadlines depend on the departments and were confirmed by Bercy MoneyVox earlier in March. For zone 1 (the departments 1 19 and households residing in us), the deadline for declaration online or through the application is set for Thursday May 23 2024. For departments 20 54 (as well as Corsica), the declaration will be possible until Thursday May 30. Finally, for the departments 55 95 (zone 3), as well as the overseas departments, the deadline is Thursday June 6 2024.

For those who declare their 2024 taxes on 2023 income by paper, the deadline is Monday May 20, regardless of the department of residence. The online declaration is OBLIGATORY for all tax households, except for taxpayers who indicate to the administration that they are unable to submit this declaration electronicallyexplains the General Tax Code.

Taxes 2024: here are the deadlines for the income declaration according to your department

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